The Grammar of Games – a new way of viewing Basketball as a player and coach.


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About this Resource


This resource was developed to help teach Basketball players, coaches or enthusiasts at any level, about the Grammar of Games, a Physical Education (PE) model that can help anyone understand the game of Basketball better. This web resource contains all key information about the Grammar of Games, it’s concepts, and how it can be applied practically for coaches and players.






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Get Started here…


If you don’t know what the Grammar of Games is. This page will give you an idea of the Grammar of Games concept and model, along with an overview of all the key information, concepts and terms that’s delivered in a way you can easily understand..


What is the GoG?





Once you know what the Grammar of Games is…


Click here for ways you can feature it in your training regime as a coach, or for ways you can use it to make yourself a better, more cognitive and aware Basketball player. .


How can we use the GoG?





Once you’ve implemented the Grammar of Games into your training…


This page will help you with collecting information, and properly assessing yourself as a player, or assessing your players as a coach, of how developed your players are in the four Grammar of Games concepts.


Collecting Data and Assessment